The Truth about Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
So, by now I’m sure most of you reading this have either heard or read about a disease called Chronic Wasting Disease otherwise known as (CWD)? And I’m sure you also heard how devastating it would be on our population of deer and elk. Well although I can’t speak for all, but I think I’m covering a fair number of sportsmen and conservationists? Just pure thought of any disease capable of annihilating our massive heard of Elk and Whitetail deer is just scary.
Now some of you may think that I’m way out in left fields but what scares me more than anything is the wildlife professionals that we pay handsomely too research diseases and illnesses, bring to the table, nothing more than unrealistic scare tactics, that tend to infiltrate into the wildlife commerce, forcing them into panic mode and closing down hunting areas.